Table of Contents
Server plugins and customizations
If you are coming from a Civ server, read “Amalthea for Civ players” for a quicker understanding of the similarities and differences between Amalthea and Civ servers.
- Hoppers move 48 items at once but only once every 3.2 seconds to help reduce lag on the server.
- Nights will pass if 33% of the players try to sleep.
- Dropped items takes 15 minutes to despawn (and those minutes are counted only while the chunk is loaded).
BasePvP (proprietary)
Summary: PvP is luck based and you are stonger near your base.
BasePvP completely changes how PvP works in Minecraft. It makes PvP require no skill. All that really matters is how many people are on each team, and, even more importantly, how close these people are what is considered to be their base. The base of each player is a point on the map. That point is constantly approaching the location of a player as long as they are online. The closer a player is to that point, the stronger they will be in PvP. A player's base halves its distance from the player about every 24 hours of online time.
Who attacks whom plays very little role as the damage is randomly applied to one of the two (either the one who got attacked, or it may be reflected back to the attacker). When player A hits player B, the probability of player B dodging and retaliating automatically (and thus reflecting the full damage that they'd receive back to player A, ignoring A's armor) is higher the closer B is to their base and the further away A is from their own base.
The distance from the base is calculated as the Euclidean distance in 3D space but the player's height is always zero. The base's height is some number, which, when increased, effectively causes a permanent increase in the calculated distance. The height of the base increases every time the player dies in PvP and it also naturally increases and decreases based on a complex formula that aims to prevent certain exploits where a player would move their base at a location without being actually there. You can see the effective distance from your base, as well as the direction to it, by holding a compass.
BasePvP prevent players from lighting fires or placing lava near other players (although building a trap in an area before a player goes there is still possible). It also prevents dogs from causing damage to players.
Players do not drop items or XP when killed during PvP by a player's attack. But they will drop these if killed by a trap. To avoid having players use this as a non-vanilla way to teleport to their bed, it will also apply an unremovable slow curse for a length of time proportional to the distance that the player teleported by dying.
While compasses normally show the effective distance from your base, they can be set to a custom target. Hold a compass and slap while looking downwards to set its target to your current location. Slap while looking upwards to reset it so that it shows distance from your base again. Hover your mouse on the compass to see what its target is.
Finally, BasePvP sends you a message with your death coordinates when you die.
CdTe (Proprietary)
ChangeBlame (Proprietary)
Summary: You can find who modified blocks and when in any area by slapping a block with redstone in-hand.
The big snitch. This records a million different things that happen on the server, giving insight to administrators. It can also reveal a tiny fraction of that information to any player. Hold redstone dust and slap any block to reveal who broke/placed blocks or interacted with containers in a 16x16x16 area that contains the block you slapped. The area is NOT centered on the slapped block though. Instead, it's aligned with chunk borders. Make sure you check the area coordinates given to you in the chat to understand what area the information covers.
Demended (Proprietary)
Summary: Mending resets the repair cost (in XP) of an item and gets removed from the item.
Changes how Mending works. Items with with mending enchantment will consume the mending property (it will be lost) which will also reset the enchantment/repair cost of the item. There is also a good chance that it will randomly lower the level of another random enchantment on the item. The purpose of this is to avoid having end-game gear with practically zero-maintenance. You'll need to both keep repairing your gear, decide when to apply mending (too early and you pay too much for the mending books that you need to keep buying, too late and you pay too much XP to repair your gear) and you'll also need to maintain the existing enchantments as they'll be losing levels every now and then.
DiscordSRV (3rd party)
Connects the in-game chat to Discord for two-way intercommunication.
EnticingRestarts (Proprietary)
Allows scheduling a restart to happen in 60 seconds, and rewards anyone who rejoins within 15 minutes with 2 diamonds to make up for the time they lost during the restart. Mainly a way for the administrators to get away with restarting at any time.
Experts (Proprietary)
Summary: You get tired when you break blocks and need to take short rests. You lose some items when you craft items. Practice improves both. Or others can teach you.
Adds a fatigue system to slow down breaking blocks and a fail chance to crafting items. Fail chances start at 99% while fatigue increase from breaking a block starts at 300% higher, which corresponds to a 75% slower mining rate. The fail chance increases by 0.3% per day and the effective slowdown imposed by the fatigue bar increases by 3% per day, never exceeding 75%. The fail rate or the slowdown gets multiplied by a fixed factor every time you craft something (whether you succeed or not) or whenever you break a block, and both are tracked separately for each type of item/block.
Failing to craft something means you lose the materials. Crafting 10 items at once is treated at 10 sequential events which can fail individually and improve your fail chances between them. Whenever you break a block it adds an amount of time to your fatigue bar. Your fatigue is reducing all the time at a steady rate. If your fatigue bar becomes full or goes beyond full, you cannot break blocks for 5 seconds.
The daily increase means that nobody can be an expert at everything, as you need to keep investing time into something if you want to keep the fail chance or the fatigue increase for it low. To keep your fail chance almost stable close to 50%, you'd need to craft 0.14 item of that type per day, or, for block break fail chances, you'd need to break about 128 of that kind of block per day. You can check your fail rate for crafting an item before you craft it, as long as you already have one lying around, by slapping a crafting table with the item in hand. Check the wastage page for details about wasted materials depending on the batch size.
You can learn to craft items by observing someone else while they are crafting. This will bring you to the same level as them.
Having a Luck blessing will reduce, for its duration, the fail chance to 4/5ths of what it would normally be. It also equivalently improves (lowers) your fatigue gain. Unluck will have the opposite effect.
Furnaces, enchanting tables, brewing stands, blast furnaces and smokers do not have a fail chance and work normally.
Cartography tables and stonecutters are disabled for players (they can still be used by villagers) because they do not throw events when something is crafted on them and fail chances could not be easily applied on them.
This plugin has multiple purposes:
- It aims to make people have to specialize. As they can't easily be great at breaking all kinds of blocks, they will need to spend time to maintain their expertise at breaking those they want to be good at.
- Secondarily, it makes everything more expensive and grindier than vanilla.
- To be efficient you can either batch produce stuff, or find someone to trade with who is already more efficient at producing something than you are.
- Finally the teaching mechanic allows group of people to share expertise or even sell expertise to other groups.
GriefPrevention (3rd party)
Summary: You can claim areas and only those you want can do stuff in your claims.
Do not let the name fool you, griefing is allowed in Amalthea and this is why we need this plugin. GriefPrevention is a 3rd party plugin that provides unbreakable and almost ungriefable land-claims which we've set up to expire after 3 weeks of no logins by the owner (so everyone should be mindful of rules that carry a minimum penalty more than that). Practically the only game-play plugin in the list which requires that players learn a few commands to use it effectively and thus a thorn on the sides of the admins who have tried to keep all the plugins free of commands for users. Eventually the admins hope to replace this with a proprietary plugin but it's a daunting task and GriefPrevention is otherwise an excellent plugin. Players are given 200 claim blocks for every hour that they are active on the server.
You automatically make your first claim (a default 9 by 9 area) by placing down your first chest. To expand a claim you'll need a golden shovel though. If you lack a golden shovel you can also claim a default-sized claim with the /claim command. Claims cannothave sides less than 9 blocks long. You can, for example, use this limitation to make unclaimable roads between house plots by leaving less than 9 blocks between these plots.
Wooden doors and trapdoors in your claims can be opened anyone while iron doors, iron trapdoors and fence gates can only be opened by people with /accesstrust. Another exception is that pressure plates can be used by anyone even if they open something that they would normally be unable to open.
Claims and claim blocks are not transferable. To give a claim to someone else you can have them put down one corner of the claim (exactly one block outside of one of your claim corners, then run on the opposite corner and when they are ready to put down their own corner (which would fail since your claim still exists inside what they are trying to claim) you quickly do /unclaim to release your claim and they immediately place that second corner to claim the whole area (plus a bit more since their first corner was outside your claim). Keep in mind that this will cause subdivisions of the claim to disappear. For more info on subdivisions read the GriefPrevention documentation or watch the videos provided below.
Land can only be claimed in the overworld, not in the Nether nor in the End. Additionally beds do not explode in the End nor in the Nether. Finally pistons work everywhere except in unclaimed overworld areas.
Strangely, this plugin provides the /givepet command which you can use to give your pets to other users.
GriefPrevention provides excellent videos on YouTube that explain its functionality.
You can find the full list of commands here.
HandsOff (Proprietary)
Blocks no-clipping attacks, interactions and movement through blocks. Also used to detect certain related hacks.
IDGAFAYAYPOV (Proprietary)
A private messaging system that allows users to mute others or even specific words. Hijacks the /msg /w /whisper and some more commands for PMs, and also provides a bunch of commands for muting/unmuting and checking what's muted:
- /idgafa Shows you what you've muted. - /idgafaplayer Mutes a player. - /idagafaword Mutes a word. - /igafaplayer Unmutes a player. - /iagafaword Unutes a word.
Many of these commands have aliases like /ignore (is actually /idgafaplayer).
IllegalStack (3rd party)
Block a lot of item duplication exploits and also prevents other troubles.
MapDistance (Proprietary)
Simply shows you how far a map's central location is from your current location.
MobFreezer (Properietary)
Summary: In rare cases you may lose some animals/villagers and redstone mechanisms may need a fix up.
A quite complex plugin that aims to make the server lag-free without admin intervention. It has different states of “panic” when it detects that the server is overloaded. It will start by not letting all mobs have their AI enabled at the same time but if this is not enough it will start taking more extreme measure like blocking mobs and animals from spawning, culling chunks from excessive mobs/animals (always leaving two of each species to be able to rebreed them) and it will even break redstone mechanisms by replacing redstone dust with string, redstone torches with soul torches and booster rails with detector rails. Everything in the name of keeping TPS high.
nuvotifier (3rd party)
This listens for vote notifications from the three voting sites.
ProtocolLib (3rd party)
Used by other plugins.
RandomSpawn (Proprietary)
Summary: You get airdropped near active players when spawning without a bed.
New players or players that respawn without having a bed, will be airdropped with slow-falling in a random, non oceanic biome. If more than two non-admins are online, the plugin will drop (mostly) within render distance from an online player. Otherwise 3km around 0,0. For first joiners it will also set the time of the day to morning so that the player has a full day to prepare for their first night.
If you don't want players to be airdropped near you, use the /toggleairdropsonme command.
ReservedSlots (Proprietary)
Provides priority login for supporters. Mojang has said in the past that this is OK.
Shrines (Proprietary)
Summary: Offer materials to gods to get buffs and rare materials or curse your enemies, compete for prizes.
Diamond blocks that are powered by redstone (e.g. by placing a redstone torch under them) will function as shrines. You can offer any material at a shrine to get blessings for yourself, bless others or even curse others. Simply hold the material you want to offer and right click the shrine. The whole stack will be offered at once. Enchanted materials cannot be offered. The gods (whose names can be customized by supporters) will accept your offering and if you offer enough they will eventually reward you with a blessing.
A blessing is an 8-hour-long positive potion effect (there are 13 positive effects available). You can have as many blessings as you want but their duration will not stack, it will simply be reset to 8 hours if you are awarded again with a blessing you already have. For estimates of how many times you need to be blessed to get specific numbers of blessings look a this analysis. Blessings will be lost if you drink milk or die. To bless someone else simply say “bless you username” in the in-game chat and offer materials within 60 seconds. There is also a 0.9% chance to get a random spawn egg whenever you receive a blessing.
Similarly, you can curse someone by saying “damn you username” or “curse you username” or “damn username” or “curse username” before offering the materials. A curse is a set of 5 negative potion effects that last for 3 hours and cannot be removed by dying or drinking milk. Their duration will also stack if you are cursed multiple times. The only way to remove a curse is to either wait it out, or try to get blessings. Every time that you'd get a blessing while cursed, your curse duration is reduced by 3 hours. Curses will also propagate to other players that are using the same IP address if they are online at the same time.
Only online players can be cursed or blessed.
You can tell how much the gods enjoyed your offering by looking at how many soul particles are emitted by the shrine when you make your offering. This is useful because the gods will get quickly bored of materials as they are offered to them.
Every 24 minutes there is a blue message in the in-game chat that suggest one material that the gods still consider of high value. This is only a suggestion, there can be many other materials that are even worth more than the suggested one. Every player sees the same suggestion so, by the time you try to offer it, it's possible that someone else has already offered enough of it to lower its value.
The purpose of the Shrine plugin is both to provide a way to wage economic warfare on other players and to also work as a sink for materials to increase scarcity.
In addition to the uses, the Shrines plugin will keep track of players shrine score, which is sometimes used for competitions. You can see your current probability of winning the competition (it works like a raffle) as a percentage next to your IGN in the tab screen. You can see the top scores with the /toprank command. You can transfer your score (effectively your probability to win) to another online player by saying “I honor you username” and slapping the shrine block with an empty hand. If you instead say “I dishonor you username”, then you will reset your score to zero but also cause an equal loss for someone else who is online at the time. Your probability of winning is equal to your score divided by the summed scores of everyone.
Finally Shrines add epic mobs. About 1 every 111 mobs that spawn will be epic, with buffed speed and damage. Epic mobs will fake their death multiple times (on average 6) and teleport to the player. When they attack the player they will either change the item the player is holding or apply a random debuff for 4 to 10 seconds. Killing an epic mob counts as a massive offering to the gods but the gods can become bored of epic monster types in the same way they become bored of materials.
Sit (Proprietary)
Allows you to sit on stair blocks if you right click them with an empty hand. Press the sneak key to stand up.
SuperbVote (3rd party)
Handles the votes passed to it by nuvotifier and gives 16 emeralds for each vote to the player who voted, with a small chance to give 549 emeralds instead. Use /vote to see the list of websites where you can vote.
TAB (3rd party)
Customized tab user list. Supporters get colored names.
TradeEasy (Proprietary)
Summary: You can use chests in claimed areas to sell items to others.
Provides trading chests that allows other players to take one slot worth of items from them by paying a specific amount of some material. You get detailed step by step instructions on how to set them up whenever you place a chest down.
The last slot (bottom-right) in the chest will never be given out to buyers, so you can use it to keep leftover items whenever you try to restock the chest but can't split your items into perfect stacks of the size that you are trying to sell.
Shopping chests with strike-through text are empty. Shopping chests with their last line underlined have at least one payment in them that the shopkeeper needs to take. Once the payments are taken out and/or the items have been restocked, the shopkeeper should slap the sign once to refresh it and remove those lines from it.
Twitch Chat (3rd party)
Connects our Twitch channel's chat to the in-game chat so viewers can talk to players.
ViaRewind (3rd party)
Allows players to connect using older Minecraft versions.
ViaVersion (3rd party)
Allows players to connect using newer Minecraft versions.
Vulcan (3rd party)
Anticheat. Very rare false positives. It was missing one protection that is covered by HandsOff.
WelcomeMessage (Proprietary)
Summary: You get tips about the game every 15 minutes and answers some questions.
Allows to have different welcome messages (the message you get when you join the server) for new, returning and old users. It also has a huge list of tips for the game and send one such tip to each player every 15 minutes. Players can mark tips as understood so that they never see them again, slowly working through the list of tips and learning the ins and outs of the server.
Additionally, it will reply with predefined messages to certain questions when a player asks in chat.
Finally, it provides bread, a bed, four torches, two stacks of oak logs and an oak door to new joiners.
Zapping (Proprietary)
Summary: You can stream yourself in our Twitch stream without an impact on your computer or internet bandwidth.
Organizes the automated server-side streaming that we have on twitch:
The /stream command will add you to the rotation of the stream and your point of view or your surroundings will be streamed when it's your turn and if you are moving around. When there's nobody that has /stream enabled or everyone who has it enabled is standing mostly still, the server stream will show one of the default locations. Anyone can add a location to the list of default locations by using the /buyemptystream command. Adding a location costs 10 diamonds and if there are more than 30 locations in the list, the oldest one will be removed.
This plugin has a secondary use (which was actually its original purpose) in helping admins detect cheaters.
ZeusVSTheUnemployed (Proprietary)
Keeps village populations in check by striking unemployed villagers with lightning on occasion. It also allows players to create villager eggs by throwing exactly 6 emeralds, all at once and not one-by-one, into a fire or lava (but not on a campfire). Finally it will stop zombie villagers from getting cured and will instead turn them into a villager egg to avoid having these completely broken discounted trade offers.